
I'm sick and tired

of all this crap. I feel fettered, chained to a life I am barely a part of. I can't think anymore! I'm never myself!

What in the seven hells is wrong with me?!

I don't know myself anymore. I don't know how others perceive me, nor do I know how I act. Self-consciousness hasn't been an issue since eighth grade, and now I get to college and I'm thrown back into a world of confusion. At least in eighth grade I felt a little intelligent. At least I had confidence in my academics. Now... it feels like everything I do fails. Miserably.

In all honesty? It is very degrading and very difficult to cope with. My ego was the only thing I had left, and now it has been torn to shreds.

1 comment:

Sam Schechter said...

I feel the same.. like I'm lost in some sort of limbo and I don't really belong ANYWHERE
it's obliterating...