
Oh, Rain!


The song of the heavens. An incessant pattering, like a million feet running, a million hearts beating frantically, a million hands crashing together in never-ending applause. A million drumbeats sounding the call to war, to hunt.

Why is that so soothing?

It's beautiful outside. Chilly, overcast, grey, wet. The trees are nearly bare, decaying leaves litter the ground, yellow, orange and brown. Drops hang off the ends of branches, only to fall to their demise. Black tree branches form a stark relief against the pale grey sky, cutting it like dark lightning.

Life pours from the heavens.

1 comment:

Sam Schechter said...

the view from my window look so nice right now, especially with the bay window seat, and the big cushion...
you can see the tops of the victorian houses surrounded by the orange and yellow trees, and the fog covers the city buildings in the distance... = u = ♥