I guess this is where I introduce myself.
First off, my name is not Alcatraz Skandranon Rashkae Thomas. No. My name's Maria. Alcatraz is my dog. She has the gmail account so I could be a total dork and make a facebook for her. Sue me.
Now, on to the real questions.
What am I?
Right now, I am a college student. In pain. PAIN I SAY. Sitting at a computer for long arduous hours leaves a terrible crick in the neck. And a knot in the back. My eyes flicker... it's late, and here I sit, procrastinating the inevitable return to the soft, downy, warm world of dreams and sleep.
Mmm. Tempting.
But I can't leave you hanging, now can I?
What else... I'm cold. My hair is wet from the shower, my feet are bare, and the window was open for at least an hour because my roommate was airing out the room.
I'm sorry if I go onto random tangents at times, I seem to have approximately three voices arguing and analyzing in my head at once. What can I say? (Besides my usual MO of nothing...) It gives me a rather excellent perspective on several points of view.
You want to talk to me? Fine, but don't expect very much in the way of discourse. Sorry about that.
God, I'm cold.
I'm currently irritated beyond belief at the fact that nearly every class I need for my major is full. Snarl. That's probably another reason for the backache. And it's late. And cold. And I have to do so bloody much in the next 48 hours it's disgusting. And I'm sitting here on the internet pouring out my irritation to a textbox whose scrollbar is getting progressively smaller. And smaller... and smaller...
So it autosaves? Nice.
Why am I writing such nugae?? Must be the hour. Some people actually work, you know. Actual work. Physical labor. Those books... by the end of the year I'll be ripped (sorry Jeremy, guess you'll just have to pump more to keep up with my masslez xD).
I plan on being a writer, not that you can tell by this excuse of writing. Er, not writing, really. Just my brain pooping out words via the fingers. If you read it all, please consult a doctor about brain hemorrhaging. Really. I wouldn't like to be the cause of any unnecessary deaths.
And now, off to the sanity-restoring nest masquerading as a bed.
Bene nocte, omnes. Amo.
NOOOOOO, MY muscles D:<
I used to have a blog...
it was a nice blog...
I'm wearing these suspender-type things and they keep falling down and it looks like I'm stripping...slowly..
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